英文原文: website news management system management system design andrealization
[ Abstract ] uses ASP.NET and the ADO.NET technologydevelopment website news management system management system, hasrealized the website news dynamic management, even more promptlycaused to the information management, to be highly effective, enhancedthe working
efficiency. Meanwhile to the system development principle,the system function characteristic and the design proposal has carriedon the introduction.
[ Key word ] ASP.NET ADO.NET news management database
When ASP was first released, Web programming was more difficult because you needed IIS to serve your ASP pages. Later, ASP.NET 2.0 and Visual Studio® 2005 made everything easier by introducing the Web site model of development. Instead of creating a new project inside Visual Studio, the Web site model lets you point to a directory and start writing pages and code. Furthermore, you can quickly test your site with the built-in ASP.NET Development Server, which hosts ASP.NET in a local process and obviates the need to install IIS to begin developing. The beauty of the Web site model is that you can develop your Web application without thinking about packaging and deployment. Need another class? Add a .cs file to the App_Code directory and start writing. Want to store localizable strings in a resource file? Add a .resx file to the App_GlobalResources directory and type in the strings. Everything just works; you don't have to think about the compilation and deployment aspect at all.
When you are ready to deploy, you have several options. The simplest choice is to copy your files to a live server and let everything be compiled on-demand (as it was in your test environment). The second option is to use the aspnet_compiler.exe utility and precompile the application into a binary release, which leaves you nothing but a collection of assemblies, static content, and configuration files to push to the server. The third option is to again use aspnet_compiler.exe, but to create an updateable binary deployment where your .as*x files remain intact (and modifiable) and all of your code files are compiled into binary assemblies.
This seems to cover every possible scenario, leaving the developer to focus simply on writing the Web application, with packaging and deployment decisions to be made later when the application is actually deployed. There was a fair amount of backlash against this model, however, especially from developers who were used to their Web projects being real projects, specified in real project files, that let you inject pre-and post-build functions, exclude files from the build process, move between debug and release builds with a command-line switch, and so on.
Along with the Internet popularization, more and more manyenterprises established own WWW website, the enterprise have beenallowed to demonstrate the product through the website, issued thenewest tendency, carried on the exchange and the communication withthe user, with partner establishment relation, as well as developmentelectronic commerce and so on. News management system managementsystem is constitutes the enterprise website an important constituent,it is shouldering the double-decked function, on the one hand may usefor the dynamic issue related new product or the new developmentproject, on the other hand may promptly to the customer announce theenterprise manages the achievement, the technology
and the researchand development progresses, specially recommends or the preferentialbenefit engineering project, the product and the service, thus theattraction customer, expands the customer group.
The traditional website news management way has two kinds, one is thestatic HTML page, renews when the information needs reto manufacturethe page then on to pass on the page and the revision correspondinglink, this way because the efficiency too is low not not multipurposealready. Two, based on ASP and the script language, the dynamichomepage and the database union, processes through the applicationprocedure the news, this is a present more popular procedure. Butbecause the ASP itself limitation enables the system to have someinsurmountable flaws, but adopted in the ASP.NET technology systemperformance to have
the very big improvement, it mainly displayed infollowing several aspects:
After 1. because the ASP page each time opens the process which allmust pass through first translates explained, therefore the pagerepeatedly is opening time speed not any promotion, after but theASP.NET page only needs a time of translation not to need retotranslate, is revised until this page or the Web application procedurerestarts. This enabled when visited many times the speed to have theenormous promotion.
2. because ASP has not provided any output data for the content part,therefore when uses ASP composes the database page only can drawsupport from ADO the RecordSet object to readby the pen takes therecord, but ASP.NET database part and so on DataGrid which providesthrough
ADO.NET may directly with the database relation.
3. ASP.NET support application procedure real-time renewal. Themanager does not need to switch off the network server or not to evenneed to stop the application procedure the
movement being allowed torenew the application document. The application procedure documentnever can lock, therefore even in procedure movement time the documentmay cover. After the file updating, the system can temperatelytransform to the new edition.
4. ASP.NET adopts " Code-behind" The way compilation codecauses the code to be easier to compile, the structure was clearer,reduced the system development and maintenance complex and theexpense.
1 system development principle
1.1 based on ASP.NET technology system structural model
The ASP.NET structure is three systems: UI level, service logiclevel and data level,
The UI level is responsible with the user interactive, thereceive user's input and the data which transmits the server endpresents for the customer.
The service logic level will be responsible for the request which willreceive the browser to transmit and requested will bequeath the datalevel, simultaneously requested the processing result will issue thebrowser. It by the Web table list, XML the Web service and the moduleservice is composed. Web table only the ASP.NET application procedurecore is at, it is presents the data and the information foundation tothe customer, also is the information and the data foundation whichthe response and the processing customer and the demonstration Webtable only alternately produces.
The data level is provides the digital data service through theADO.NET operation data for business logic level, like the stored datumoperating result, returns to the data retrieval result and so on.
1.2 ADO.NET visit database principle
Is connected with the database, ADO.NET has provided thefollowing 3 ways: Is connected through ODBC; Is connected throughOLEDB; Direct and SQL Server is connected. 3 ways as a result of theapplication level difference, cause the efficiency from lowly toarrive high, independence from Gao Daodi. Regarding connected databasedata processing, also some 2 ways, namely one kind is isolates theisomerism through DataSet the data pool, another kind is by flows theway to read from the data pool takes (the DataReader way).
The traditional application procedure is through first establishes thedatabase the connection, maintains the connection in the procedureentire movement process the way to design. ASP.NET has adopted theseparation connection way construction of data. When browser to Webserver request homepage, the server processes this request, andrequested the homepage transmission for the browser, then theconnection is separated, sends out the next request until thebrowser.
The ADO.NET another innovation was has introduced the data set(Dataset). A data set is in the memory provides the data relationschart the high speed buffer. The data set knows nothing about to thedata pool, they may or through call in the data by the procedure fromthe data warehouse to produce, the packing. No matter the data fromwhere gain, the data set all is operated through the use similarprocedure template, and it uses the same latent data buffer.
2 systems functional designs
2.1 systems function structures
This news management system management system may operatingsystem platform move in Windows in 2,000 Server, the Web server isIIS, the database server is Microsoft SQL Server2000, Microsoft VisualStudio which the development kit uses NET and DreamWeaver. Chart 2produces the system the function structure drawing. Its work flow is:The user registers through the jurisdiction judgement, the averageconsumer only can glance over, reading and the inquiry news, theregistration user besides may complete the average consumer theoperation, but also may enter the news administration module to carryon the news input, the revision and the deletion operation. Theregistration user eliminates system administration supernumeraryofficial only to be able the news which inputs to oneself to carry onthe deletion operation.
2.2 systems function characteristics
(1) operates, the contact surface simply friendly: Completelycontrols the -like page layout, causes the news the input work to besimpler; Many options including the news category, the origindepartment and so on only need to click on the mouse to be allowed tocomplete; Moreover, the track appears the prompt information also letsthe user as necessary clear own operation situation.
(2) immediately obviously: To the news processing (including input,revision, deletion) immediately demonstrated in the main pagecorresponding column, achieves " Immediate issue, immediateeffective " Function.
(3) function perfect: Including common website news management eachaspect: The news input, the browsing, the deletion, the revision, theretrieval and so on each aspect, completely has realized the websiteto the immediate news management request.
(4) facilitates the transplant: In view of the different enterprise,only needs slightly to make the revision to be allowed to developsuits this enterprise characteristic the website news managementsystem management system!
3 systems detailed designs
The system main function is realizes through several functionsmodules. Concrete design process as follows:
(1) system registers: This module is responsible the user to divideinto the average consumer and the registration user realizes the userjurisdiction management.
(2) news browsing: This module negative page lists the websiteall news information, including the title, the type, the origindepartment field and the issue date, each news title is made an ultralink, clicks on them to be able to jump transfers the page to carry onnews reading.
(3) News reading: Clicks on the title link in other pages namely toenter the news reading page, each news detailed information is takenthis time out, including the content, the title, the essentialcharacter and so on, and defers to the relatively fixed form to layaside in the page different region, all news use approximately samepage layout, only will be various fields correspondence content isdifferent, moreover, the page other positions, may the dynamic layingaside other parts, the criss-crossed station symbolize logo, linkpicture and so on page advertisement banner, may very easily realizethe abundant reading effect like this.
(4) news inquiry: This module provided the news inquiry function, theinput has treated the search the content and the designationclassification information may fast find conforms to the conditionnews, and output inquiry result.
(5) news management: This module negative 责分 page displayed theregistration user which registered once to issue also the deletionnews information, the user has not been allowed to carry on thedeletion, the revision to this news. The non- news issue eliminatessystem administration supernumerary official not to have to this newsprocessing jurisdiction, therefore the different user will enter thispage to demonstrate the different content.
(6) news input and revision: The registration user inputs the contentwhich a news needs, contains the title, the essential character, thetype, the origin department, the issue date and so on, simultaneouslyfrom registers the module to obtain user, these information are readin the database to preserve. This module also is responsible to editunder the condition the renewal, by now, it will act according to theTitle field value which obtained to the page to control aninitialization.
英文原文: website news management system management system design andrealization [ Abstract ] uses ASP.NET and the ADO.NET technologydevelopment website news management system management system, hasrealized the website news dynamic man…...
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Linux下安装Node.js有三种方式: 使用包管理器安装: 在大多数 Linux 发行版中,可以使用包管理器来安装 Node.js。例如,在Ubuntu/Debian中可以使用apt,CentOS/RHEL中可以使用yum,Fedora中可以使用dnf。安装命…...
网易爱才 取之有道
网易爱才 取之有道 这是一场国内最高水平的编程比赛,这里为选手提供了一个面对面交流的平台,这里是编程天才的聚集地,这里的“90后”风起云涌……有道技术总监包塔说:网易内部也同样进行着这样一场比赛“有道难题真的很难。”这是…...
虚拟化VMware简介2—— ESX ESXi
1、VMware ESX 目录 (1)概述 (2)VMware ESX Server用途 (3)VMware ESX Server如何运作 概述 VMware ESX 服务器是在通用环境下分区和整合系统的虚拟主机软件。它是具有高级资源管理功能高效,…...
shell 中运行的脚本或脚本的个代码断会禁用一些正常 shell 中可以执行的命令.这是限制脚本用户的权限和最小化运行脚本导致的破坏的安全措施.受限的内容包括:使用 cd 命令更改工作目录. 更改环境变量$PATH, $SHELL, $BASH_ENV,或$ENV 的值. 读或更改 shell 环境选项…...